2021 Kali Linux Bootable USB Rufus Flash Drive

I'm going to show you how to boot Kali Linux off a USB flash drive. So in this example booting Kali linux bootable directly off of this USB flash drive. 

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Step-by-Step Kali linux bootable usb rufus 

Kali USB persistence: I want to show you how to get persistency. So how to create a USB flash drive that has persistency, so that when you change and settings for instance connect to a wireless network or create a file. 

All of that information is held or is persistent across reboots. So in this post I'm going to show you all the steps how to download the required software, how to set up the USB flash drive for persistency, how to write the information to the flash drive.

2021 Kali Linux Bootable USB Rufus Flash Drive


How to set up the bios of your computer? In some cases you may need to go into the bios of your laptop and set it to to boot off the USB flash drive. 

You may also be required to turn off the Secure Boot to get this to work, but once again. In this post I'm going to show you all the steps to get this working so that you can boot off a USB flash drive with persistency. Let's get started. 

Download Kali Linux Bootable USB Rufus Flash Drive 

Two things that you need to download you need to Kali Linux Bootable USB Rufus and you need to download some software to write Kali Linux into the USB  Rufus flash drive on the Kali Linux website;

Download and carefully, the Linux, select this version. Kali Linux 64 bit live. 

You don't want to get the installer version because you don't want to install Kali on your hard drive. You want to get into the live version because you want to boot Kali Linux off the USB flash drive or thumb drive if you'd prefer. 

So click on that to download Kali Linux to your local computer. 

Now in this example, I've pre downloaded it, because sometimes I find that the downloads are very slow. This file is about three and a half, gig in size. 

Download Rufus

The next thing you need to download is Rufus software. And there are multiple options for this but my recommend download a Rufus. You can download this either from GitHub, or from the rufus.ie website. 

When you click on the download link, it'll take you to the same place. So in this example I'm going to download Rufus 3.13 

That's actually downloading the software from GitHub. So as you can see. GitHub production. So you can either download it from GitHub, or download it from the Rufus website. 

Install Rufus

So that's downloaded now so I'm going to double click on the file. 

Windows is complaining that I didn't download this from the Microsoft App Store. I'm happy with that so I'm going to click install any way. 

I'm going to say yes to allow the device to make changes to my computer. The software is now ready something to plug in the USB flash drive. 

So volume is detected detected that the Kingston USB drive is 32 gbs in size. It's already got multiple partitions, that's okay because I'm going to want that USB flash drive.

Select Kali ISO

 I need to select the ISO that I'm going to write. So in this example I'm going to write the Kali  2021 live ISO file. So click Open. 

And here's the trick to get in persistency, drag this option persistent partition size. In my example I can use 25 gb for the persistent partition. 

Kali Linux Bootable USB Flash Drive  needs about four gigs. So, that's what I have available. And now I can simply click start to write this image to the USB thumb drive or flash drive and I'm told that there's a problem and additional software needs to be downloaded. 

Do I want to download the software on 3g Yes. And then I'm told that all the data on the device will be destroyed. Am I happy to do that is unborn once again that I'll be responsible for deleting all the information on that USB flash drive happy with that so I'm going to click OK. 

Kali written to USB

Partitions have been deleted. Drivers being formatted.  And now all you have to do basically is wait for the drive to be formatted, and the software to be repaired. 

My example that took about 18 minutes to complete. Now that that's done I can click Close. And I can reboot.

BIOS settings: Kali Linux Bootable USB Rufus 

On my example I need to keep holding you down to boot and press restart and continiously click DEL option. 

This laptop into its BIOS, have a look at the documentation for your laptop to see how you booted into its BIOS, you need to do this because we firstly you need to tell the laptop to boot off the USB.

 And you may have to remove secure boot. Okay, so in my example, I'm going to go to boot. And then I'm going to specify that the Kingston flash drive is the first device to boot off the security. I'm also going to run. Secure Boot. 

So make sure that you've done that, otherwise you may have problems booting off the USB flash drive. Okay, I'm going to save my changes and exit.

Kali booting off USB

A laptop is booting up. And as you can see it's booted Kali off the USB flash drive. 

So what I'm going to select is live in the system persistence, and press enter to boot Kali . And there you go, Kali has not booted off the USB flash drive. 

Prove Kali is persistent

But let's prove that it's persistent. So one of the first things I'm going to do is select a wireless network wireless network I want to connect to is the TP link wireless network. I need to put in a password. 

So, this is a little test network. I'll put in my password and clicking Connect. 

So we've now connected to the wireless network. Let's prove that. By opening Firefox. And all go to Kali .org as an example, click on one of the articles where they talking about Kali in the last 12 months, and what they're planning to do in 2021. 

 I've been able to connect it to the internet. Let's create a folder on the desktop. And I'll just call this test. And inside.

I'll create a document test one, not very original but there you go. And I'll just say test, Kali . I'll save that document. On the desktop. I've got this document. 

So now let's see what happens when we reboot, we double check now whether document is still there, and whether I can still access the wireless network. 

The settings were preserved in other words we have persistency. I'll be able to connect back to the wireless network, and also have that document on the desktop. So going to select a live system persistence. 

Kali preserves files and wifi

Then Kali has booted and notice, I still have my document on the desktop. So it's preserved the document. If I open up Firefox. Mic install connect to the internet. And for instance, browse on the internet. Because, Kali has remembered the Wi Fi details. 

So we have persistency. I've successfully created a persistent and Kali flash drive. So what I'll do now is shut Kali down. 

Remove USB Flash drive, Boots back into Windows

I'll remove the USB flash drive and turn the computer on again. 

Notice it now boots into Windows. So I can boot back into Windows again because I've removed this USB flash drive. 

So there you go that's how you set up Kali on a USB flash drive and set it for persistency. 

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