How to speed up windows 10 internet 2021- Speed up downloading speed

How to speed up windows 10 internet wired and wireless or Wi Fi connections-Also Speed up All browsers and Downloading speeds.

How's it going guys it is topbestgoodreview here and today I'm going to be bringing you guys the ultimate guide on increasing your internet speed on both wired and wireless or Wi Fi connections.

Speed up windows 10 downloading speed

How to speed up windows 10 internet ➞ This will help speed up your overall browsing experience speed up file and game downloads help webpages load faster, decreased buffering with inside of YouTube videos. 

For those of you looking to get the best gaming experience possible and your connection. 

This will also help reduce your latency and ping to any game servers efficiently you guys are getting the best networking, or internet experience possible. 

It's good as fast and easy to follow along with and you'll be seeing some fantastic results. 

How to speed up windows 10 internet 2021- Speed up downloading speed

If you do follow on with as many steps as possible with inside of this post. And speaking of results if you guys are happy with this post and are happy with your results, please do consider giving this post a share as it does help me out tremendously alongside leaving any results comments, questions or suggestions for other content you'd like to see come to this post in the comment section down below 

If you guys do enjoy this sort of content please do consider pressing the subscription bell icon button alongside the bell notification to be notified instantly. 

With all that said another way let's get straight on into the post before going ahead and changing any settings within sort of a PC.

It's best recommended to navigate into the down below we will be seeing two speed test benchmarking tools. Click Here- Speed Test benchmarking tools

How to speed up windows 10 internet

First of all, you'll be seeing speed testing which I'm sure most of you are familiar with inside of everything just going to set the default settings and press go, we can use this data to compare to our new results at the end of this guide after applying all of our optimizations. 

You can also go back into the description down below and run the samknows real speed connection, which will tell you what speed you're receiving to the actual hub or router of your connection. 

And then the final speed which is actually reaching your PC from the hub so you can see how much of a data loss that actually is compared to the internet connection you are receiving. 

Updating windows & network drivers:

Make sure Updating Your version of windows can help repair the OS fix any driver issues you may have and provide a nice speed up your system.

Remember to come down to show more metrics, so you can see your latency jitter and packet loss before we're going to be jumping into the optimizations themselves, it's first off recommended to ensure that you guys are running on the latest version of Windows, and also the latest drivers for your network adapter, or Wi Fi card. 

These are both very simple and easy to do and it's recommended to do these at the beginning, to ensure that you're running on the best version of Windows so that we can fix any errors in the operating system by updating this. 

And the same goes for your network adapter, to see if there's an update to Windows available for you, navigate to the bottom left hand side of windows, 

  1. Clicking new Windows Search button, 
  2. Type in check for updates
  3. click on the check for updates tab,
  4. Go down to the check for updates button.

This will then accumulate any and all updates which are available to your operating system, there may be some major updates available such as a brand new Windows version and if these are available to you.

It is recommended to go ahead and update to those versions of Windows, you'll be able to keep all of your data files and settings you will lose absolutely nothing, and you will gain a faster snappier and more responsive feeling operating system. 

Network drivers

How to speed up  windows 10 internet -Next off we're actually going to be ensuring that we're running the latest updates for our network driver, whether that be through wired or Wi Fi. 

To do this, navigate to the bottom left hand side, click on new Windows button, type in net work space, connections, just like so and then go to View network connections. 

Alternatively, you can just go inside of the control panel, go inside of Network and Internet thing go over to network and sharing center. 

Then navigate over to change adapter settings. This will then list all available network adapters for your PC, the one we're interested in is the one UPC is actually using this may be Ethernet, or wireless depending on what your setup is so navigate over to the network adapter you are using, and you should then see the name underneath the only network adapters I'd recommend updating would be if you have a real tech network adapter, Intel network adapter, or a killer network adapter. 

As you can see for me I'm currently running on a real tech adapter on this PC, so I'm going to navigate into the description down below we will be finding three links, one for real tech one for Intel and one for killer, click on the link which corresponds to the network adapter you found a new PC, for real tech users you'll be brought to this web page found here, scroll down to the windows 10 Auto installation program. 

Click on the Download button next verse, go inside of the folder which is provided. Scroll down until you find the setup, double click on setup, select Yes, and if you are already running on the latest driver, it will then ask you if you wish to modify repair or remove, and if you're running on an older version. This will automatically start the update for you. 

If like me You're already running on the latest version, it's recommended to just quickly do the repair, press Next, and allow this to repair so we'll fix any issues that driver might be having. 

For those of you that found a killer network card with inside of your PC navigate down to your link in the description down below.

Scroll all the way down to the bottom to driver only packages, go to the Kennett drivers installation. click on this certificate onto the great download button, select Download the driver will then be downloaded to your PC. 

How to speed up windows 10 internet : Last but not least for any of you that see an Intel networking card on your PC, on the left hand side you'll click on pro win 32 or win 64 depending on whether or not you're running on a 32 bit or 64 bit operating system. Click on Download accept the terms, and the file will then be downloaded.

So we're not going to be jumping straight on into the optimizations to help you guys get the best internet speed possible and reduce your pain. For this we need to start by going into the description down below where you'll be finding the TCP optimizer program. 

It's a very simple and easy to use program, where you can modify your network adapter settings with inside of Windows. Navigate over TCP optimizer four, click on this link, the program will then be downloaded and then recommend putting the program onto your desktop. 

We can then navigate over to the program, right click on the program and run this as an administrator, select Yes. To start off, we need to navigate to the bottom right hand side to click on custom so you can edit all of these options, and we can start off by going to the top to the connection speed slider, regardless of the speed of your internet connection.

I'd recommend dragging this all the way over to the right hand side to max this out, and then recommend going down to modify all network adapters and checking this option, making sure that your MTU is set to a value of 1500. 

So that brings us down to TCP window auto tuning set this to normal, Windows scaling heuristics should be disabled congestion control provider should be set to see TCP RSS should be enabled RFC should be enabled TTL on the top right hand side should be set to a value of 64 ecn compatibility should be set to disabled checksum offloading should be set to disabled TCP chimney offload disabled, large send offload should be set to disabled and TCP 1323 timestamps should also be disabled. Once you've applied all those settings go down to apply changes, then select OK. 

You'll then be notified that some of the settings you have changed may require a reboot to take effect, just simply go ahead and press no for this. 

Once we've completed this page of optimizations navigate up to the top to the advanced settings tab, for the first box, we're going to be setting this to a value of 10 for the second box also set this to 10 for local priority we're going to be setting this to full host priority is going to be set to five DNS priority six and net bt priority, seven, Max s y n retransmissions is going to be set to two non sac RTT resiliency is going to be set to disabled. 

Initial RTO is going to be set to 2000, and the minimum RTO is going to be set to 300 QoS non best effort limit is going to be set to zero QoS do not use NLA should be set to optimal network throttling index should be set to disabled fffff system responsiveness should be set down to gaming which is going to be set to zero.

Even if you're just looking to web browser, and you do not gain, you should also be setting this to gaming TCP AC k frequency should be set to disabled one TCP no delay should be set to enabled one TCP Adel a TK text should be set to disabled, large system cache is going to present a default, the zero size is going to be set to default one for the max user port we're going to be setting this to 65534. 

And for TCP timed weight delay we're going to be setting this to 30. Once you've got all of your settings set up just like the ones on screen here we're then going to finally come down to apply changes once again and again and press OK, we're simply going to be pressing no as we're going to be rebooting a PC and the end of this video. Once we've applied all of the optimizations. 

We now need to optimize our network adapter properties, navigate to the bottom left hand side click on your Windows button, type in view network connections, just like so, click on the View network connections panel. 

We then need to go ahead and select the network adapter we're currently using this could be Ethernet, or Wi Fi so click on the network adapter in which you are using, right click on the adapter, go on to properties. 

We're then going to start off by going over to the configure button with the Santa Fe navigate over to the Advanced tab found at the top, we're going to start off by going down to, energy efficient Ethernet and switching this to disabled, then coming down to green Ethernet disabling this, but then going to go down to power saving mode.

This is also disabled, and if you have any other options total power saving modes, ensure that they are disabled upon turning off all of those features but then going to navigate to the top right hand side to power management issue that allow the computer to turn off this device is disabled just like so. 

Which properties to change: Disable at shown and Disable any other "Power Saving" features you may help

How to speed up  windows 10 internet - We can then go ahead and press OK, and those optimizations have been completed. For this next optimization we're going to be navigating to the bottom left hand side once again.

How to speed up windows 10 internet:

  1. Clicking on your Windows Search button
  2. This time typing in run
  3. Clicking on the run application within sub list window that opens up 
  4. Type in gpedit.msc
  5. Press OK
  6. Navigate over to the left hand side to Computer Configuration,
  7. Go inside of the Administrative Templates.
  8. Go inside of network 
  9. But inside I found the right hand side scroll down to the QoS packet scheduler and sudden this folder inside of it. 
  10. We're then going to be going over to the limit reservable bandwidth
  11. Double clicking on this limit reservable bandwidth
  12. Then Click Enabled option
  13. Going on to the bandwidth limit, and setting Type 0
  14. Then bottom right hand side to Apply  
  15. Then press OK.

And we can then exit out of the Group Policy editor

We then need to look into disabling automatic Windows updates in the background. 

Why to Disble windows update optimizations:

How to speed up  windows 10 internet : These setting allow windows to downloadand upload update date whilst you are using your pc,causing occasional random lag spikes, drops in download speed and buffering issues.

This will stop your PC from being able to download Windows Updates whilst you're using it, playing games web browsing, or whatever it is you might be doing this will stop any drastic slowdowns you might be experiencing whilst using your computer for this needs navigating to the bottom left hand side. 

I've been Windows Update delivery, then go over to the Windows update and delivery settings inside of here we're going to start off by disallowing allowed downloads from other PCs for then going to navigate down to the Advanced Options tab.

 Inside of here we're going to be switching download settings off of absolute bandwidth, changing it down to percentage, then going to limit, both of these percentages, and bring them all the way down to 5%, and then scroll down to our upload settings. 

And once again, limit this, drag it all the way down to 5%, fun system in the sec go to the top right hand side next to down. 

Flushing Our DNS:

How to speed up windows 10 internet- This will help clean up old browsing cache from older sites and other data, slowing down your PC.

We now need to jump into the windows command prompt to flush out all old DNS settings, which we've had, so we can implement brand new DNS settings to improve our browsing experience for this navigate to the bottom left hand side:

  1. Click on the Windows Search button
  2. Type in CMD
  3. Right click on the command prompt and run this as an administrator
  4. Once inside of the command prompt Type in IPconfig /flushdns then press Enter
  5. We're then going to follow that up by typing in IPconfig /registerdns then press Enter
  6. We're then going to type in the IPconfig /police  then press Enter
  7. Then type in IPconfig /renew  then press Enter 
  8. And then finally, Type in netsh winsock reset  then press Enter.

And you'll be notified that you must restart your PC, in order to complete the reset. 

Once again we're going to be restarting our PC at the end of this video so for now we're simply going to be closing out of the command prompt. 

It's now time to actually go ahead and find out what the best DNS servers are to set up on our PC for this we need to navigate to the bottom left hand side,

How to speed up windows 10 internet :

  • Click on Windows Search button, 
  • Type in network connections
  • Click on View network connections
  • Go back over to the adapter in which you are currently using. 
  • Right click and select Properties

But inside of everything going to be coming down to our Internet Protocol Version four navigating over into properties inside of here we're then going to be going down to the bottom option, which is obtain DNS server address automatically and we're going to be switching this to use the following DNS server addresses, for those of you looking for fast and easy results you can navigate inside of the description down below and you'll find a list of DNS servers in which you can use an input with inside of this box, depending on which country you live in. 

For instance, the Google DNS server which is one I do recommend is simply 8.8 point, 8.8, and the Secondary DNS server is 8.8 point 4.4, so just simply put in the number like so.

So if you're looking for fast and easy results I'd recommend using a DNS server found in the description down below. 

Now for those of you who are looking to get the very best gaming experience possible for the lowest and most importantly, most stable ping possible. 

It is recommended to fine tune and running DNS benchmark tool to find out which DNS server is the best view, and will provide you with the best pain, navigate in the description down below and find the named bench DNS benchmark tool, simply navigate down and select the version which matches the operating system you're running on. 

So for us that's going to be named bench 1.3 point one windows e xe, click on this option, the program will then be downloaded, navigate to the bottom left hand side and open up the file, select extract the only option, we're going to be changing around is going to be the number of queries. 

I personally like to set this down to 50, then navigate to the bottom right hand side to start benchmark. This will then proceed to run the DNS benchmark on your PC. 

Once the name bench DNS benchmark has completed. We'll then open up in the web browser, and provide you with your results. 

I'm going to be blowing out some information inside of this video to keep my connection private, this will then provide you with a descending list of DNS servers, which you should use for the best results possible. 

You can see your recommended configuration based on the benchmark results in the top right hand side, so you can pick and choose from the list if you wish to do so, or just follow along with the DNS servers, found in the top right hand side to input these DNS servers, again, it's very simple and easy to do, minimize out the web page, close out of the benchmark. 

We can then bring up our name bench DNS benchmark results in the right hand side and simply copy them into our preferred DNS and alternative DNS server settings, so I'm going to be doing that now. 

Once you've finished inputting those DNS settings go down and press OK. Press close be then exit out of the results. 

Upon completing all of those steps before we go back in actually run our speed test again and see what our results are, make sure that you do, navigate to the bottom left hand side, click on the Windows button right click on the power option and select restart. 

Come back inside of the video, and enjoy your new results. Now before running our final benchmarks for the speed test size which I showed you earlier on in the post, such as speed and Sam knows.

It is recommended when you go back to these sites to run a few speed tests, so it's recommended to do about two to five internet speed test checks, before you start seeing your final results. 

Hopefully you guys have enjoyed this How to speed up windows 10 internet  post and are happy with the results. 

If you are please leave a like in the post, it does help me out tremendously alongside leaving you results questions queries tips or tricks in that comment section down below. As always, fantastic to hear from you guys. 

And if you guys do enjoy this sort of content and wish to stay up to date with this website, please do consider pressing that subscription button, alongside the bell notification,

Thank you very much for taking the time to watch this post and I'll see you in the next one.


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