AMD Ryzen 5 5600x vs Intel i5 10600k - (2021) Processor Review | amd ryzen 5 vs intel i5 CPU

The last time, AMD flat out outperformed Intel in every single day the last time, AMD flat out outperformed Intel in every single area was so long ago that some of you probably weren't even born yet.

But since ryzen CPUs came out back in 2017, AMD kept innovating and kept making huge steps forward while Intel's clearly been second time trying to yet again optimize their 14 nanometers ++ extra blah superuser or you know whatever Plus he knew us for years now. 

Even though previous ryzen processors kicked Intel's button multi-core performance, and pretty much most applications you can use to measure any kind of real performance.

When it comes to just pure gaming Intel was still doing slightly better so AMD just went ahead and decided to cut the last little thread that Intel was holding on to and take away that gaming crown as well.

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AMD Ryzen 5 vs intel i5 CPU

So today AMD is releasing their brand news and three or ryzen 5000 series processors that promise big single core improvements and without much better gaming performance as well.

And not only will they be the best cpu/processor value option of the market, but also the fastest one as well, or, you know, at least that is what they promised were their announcement. A few weeks ago. 

So they're releasing a new lineup of 16 and 12 core ryzen 9, and 8 core ryzen 7, and a 6 core ryzen 5 processor, and in today's post I'll be focusing on this AMD Ryzen 5 5600X and comparing it to Intel's i5-10600k right here to see who makes the best $300 or 300 euro gaming CPU. Let's start. 

Complete review & Comparison amd ryzen 5 vs intel i5 cpu

AMD Ryzen 5 5600x vs Intel i5 10600k - (2021) Processor Review  amd ryzen 5 vs intel i5 CP

This post is brought to you by Seasonic and their prime series power supplies, these top-quality power supplies are very efficient. 

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What does AMD promise?

So I'm not going to go too deep today into the changes that AMD made with this generation. But I do think it's very important to just quickly look at what AMD actually promised because after all, that is what we need to judge them on today.

They said that they managed to improve their chips in such a way that they offer about 20% more single core performance at similar clock speeds, which is a huge improvement for one generation and it would give AMD a lead in any single-threaded application.

And to that those improvements now made them faster than Intel in most games, and if that is true, it would mean that AMD made a flat-out better CPU, in every possible way.

Test Benches

AMD ryzen 5 vs intel i5 : Compare these two CPUs fairly we need to make equally powerful systems for testing. So let's take a quick look here at my test benches to make sure that everything is nice and fair and square.

So for the AMD CPU or right here I went with the Asus ROG corsair 8 hero motherboards, 32 gigabytes of 3600 megahertz corsair Dominator plots in the memory, a 280-millimeter NZXT cooler, and an 850 watts tonic Prime titanium power supply.

The BIOS is set to x and p enabled and I'm using Windows 10 version 2004. 

There's no over-clocks, no tweaks, just pure out of the box performance what I would expect most people to run.

And they're home, what is great is that the B550 and x 570 motherboards will already have the BIOS that will allow you to use these new processors, you still want to update them to improve the performance.

But it should at least work right out of the box now you should check the website of the motherboard manufacturer if you're going to buy something or you already have something, but in theory, it should work.

So for the Intel right here I have the Asus ROG Maximum 13 hero 32 gigs of 3600 megahertz corsair dominator plus in the memory, and a 280 millimeter all in one cooler from Corsair, and also the same says awning prime titanium 850-watt power supply.

Now biosensor two X and B and I'm using the same version of Windows. I decided to test with an RTX 3080 instead of a more mid-range option that you would expect to see paired with a $300 CPU because this will better show the differences between these two processors.

If you use a lower-tier GPU you should expect all the differences you see today in this post to kind of shrink.

Buy a Proper Cooler

I should also point out that technically you do get a best cpu water cooler with Ryzen 5, whereas you don't get a cooler with an Intel Core i5 which kind of does add a bit more value to the ryzen of the CPU.

We all know from experience that a better cooler will improve your performance and you should always consider spending $30 to $50 more to get an at least mid-tier best air cooler for either of the CPUs anyway.

1080P Gaming

So let's look at some numbers and let's begin with 1080P gaming where you would kind of expect to see the biggest difference between amd ryzen 5 vs intel i5 this two cpu. 

And the first games that I tested like Assassin's Creed Odyssey like Division 2 and Metro Exodus, I kind of started to get a little bit worried that AMD was kind of over-promising of it as Intel still showed a small lead here.

But that kind of changed around quite quickly and Far Cry 5 a game did typically really favored Intel in shadow the Tomb Raider and Troy Borderlands and several other games.

AMD comfortably took the lead, sometimes even with 10% higher frame rates in voltage than young blood, we can see that AMD got ahead by 20%. Even if you don't need 240 FPS in that game.

On average, AMD ended up with a comfortable 6% lead in 1080P gaming with the worst result being two to 3% behind, and the best-case scenario is around 20% ahead. 

So if you consider the fact that AMD was always a few percent behind Intel when it comes to 1080P gaming. This is a really big deal.

AMD vs Intel in Esports CS: GO

Now you might want to argue that just average FPS is not the most important thing. But the 1% low data doesn't tell a different story here so let's check a couple of Esports titles where having high frame rates consistently is the most important thing you're looking for, while gaming.

Now amd ryzen 5 vs intel i5, AMD has been making some really big claims about Counter-Strike. And I kind of expected them to comfortably beat Intel, and they did. 

So, average performance shows a small improvement over the i5 here, but you know you probably won't care about the difference since the fastest monitor that you can currently get is a 360-hertz bond.

Now looking at 1% and 10% lows, AMD does show they're putting out higher frame rates, more consistently.

 If we look at Overwatch The story is very similar with AMD showing a much better average FPS considerably better 10% lows and a better 1% low as well. 

It is important to remember that this game is actually capped at 400 fps and if it wasn't he would probably look even better so in theory, even in eSports games, AMD does look to be the one to go for.

Call of Duty Warzone Issues

However, to my very great disappointment in the war-zone, at reduced competitive settings, the ryzen 5 system performed much worse than the i5 system.

 It was just really struggling to maintain smooth frame rates with frequent and noticeable drops under 100 FPS.

 And I would say even very big occasional hiccups which were really hard. You know that serious competitive play.

I made 100% sure that there was nothing else causing this, I tried different memory I did a clean install, I use different drivers I swapped the GPU I even swapped the motherboard, everything, but it kept stuttering, no matter what I did.

Now, on the positive side here this didn't happen with the new Ryzen 9 5900X, only with this ryzen 5. So this is probably something that can be fixed with a simple update, but it does bring up one very important point.

Even in 2020, in some specific titles and settings, it's still possible to run into a situation where AMD just doesn't work well, so you should still make sure that the game you're planning to play works well with the CPU here.

Now we can make fun of Intel, and their serious lack of innovation in this desktop space, but it's usually very rare to encounter an issue like this with Intel, especially when it comes to what are the most popular games at the moment.

Now again amd ryzen 5 vs intel i5, I'm pretty sure that this will improve over time and AMD will definitely be taking its gaming crowd and most titles. But again, if you're really into one specific game.

 Do make sure you look for a review that covers that particular game for you.

1440p Gaming

Let's move on to higher resolution gaming on 1440p Intel and AMD do go head to head. Each winning a couple of games, Intel takes a significant 5% lead in Metro and even 10% in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, while AMD counters that nicely with a 4% lead and shadow the Tomb Raider 6% and Far Cry five, and almost 9% in Wolfenstein

So an average AMD ends up around half a percent ahead which, you know, might not be that relevant, but the fact that AMD comes out, just ahead of Intel, instead of being behind is so very great.

4k Gaming

But the 4k Gaming results are very interesting, I would say, as you probably would expect to be completely GPU bound with no real differences between the two.

But it does seem like some games simply do favor one CPU over the other. Metro, this time showing an even larger advantage for Intel and voltage studies showing, is similar when for AMD now on average it balances out almost perfectly with like less than a quarter of a percent difference between them. 

    amd ryzen 5 vs intel i5 CPU Summary
AMD Ryzen 5 5600x vs Intel i5 10600k - (2021) Processor Review  amd ryzen 5 vs intel i5 CPU

But still, these big power game differences do mean that if you're a diehard fan of one particular game, it will be worth checking to see if that's the game that favors Intel, or AMD, at the end of the day.

Gaming Performance Summary

Now if we look at the overall average results across all resolutions here, AMD does come out looking very stronger with their 1080P lead being, especially impressive here. 

So between the amd ryzen 5 and this Intel Core i5, we can now call AMD the king of gaming, assuming you're not playing the war zone, or at least until they fix their problem.

Raw CPU Performance & Power Consumption

Now I also want to touch on the overall performance of the CPU and not just look at gaming, but I kind of don't think that these results will really surprise anyone amd ryzen 5 vs intel i5.

If you followed any of the AMD reviews or the last couple of years. And honestly, I would say it's not even a fair fight anymore, with AMD just completely destroying Intel in single-core and multi-core benchmarks like cine-bench here, and even in real rendering workload like a blender, Intel took about 24% longer to render the same scene with the system dsarawing more power so AMD is clearly still the more efficient CPU as well.

So technically I could run a dozen more CPU benchmarks, but it would just embarrass the intel i5 even more. And the result wouldn't change the fact that if you want to run some creative apps on the side, AMD makes the most sense. 

But before you run off to get one for yourself. I do want to make a few final points now the biggest one is the performance issue encountered with the war-zone, which is very significant and game-breaking and may occur in some other games as well.

So if they make an update and fix this issue I will add a comment down below. But for now, if you're a big fan of one particular title. 

Do make sure that that game specifically works well with this Ryzen 5-5600X CPU.

Also, the $300 price point is a bit complicated in my opinion, this i5 is easy prey, but there's also the ryzen 7 from the previous generation, now the new Ryzen 5 will be the old ryzen 7 and almost every game today. But sooner or later, 6 cores may become a limitation.

Also, while this new ryzen, maybe the old Ryzen 5, those chips are now going for around $200, which is fantastic for anyone that's trying to build a very good PC on a budget.

Now, I guess, AMD wants to upsell this 5600 X and I cannot blame them for running their business. But we all expect the device and 5600 non-x at a lower price point should become the real value King and I really hope they launch that sooner rather than later.

And finally, there's the fact that you do need a B550, or an X 570 motherboards if you want to use the CPU right now. 

And if you want to use your B 450, or an X 470 motherboard, you will have to wait till next year for a BIOS update to be able to use it.

And I do think that people that currently run a second-generation Ryzen's CPUs, will really benefit from this new generation, but they didn't need to buy a completely new motherboard right now, or they need to wait a few months more for no particular reason.

So I'm personally not a huge fan of the files and this is taking so long. I'm not sure what is behind us are trying to prevent shortages. 

So, not too many people buy the CPU at launch, or is this just a business decision to make sure that their board partners will also sell their motherboards first.


I honestly don't know, it's complete speculation but I somehow do think that they could have added the support for all the motherboards right now, if they wanted to, instead of you know making us wait for a couple of months. 

But all that aside, nothing takes away from the truly impressive performance that they managed to show us today, and you know let's not even begin to compare that to the amount of work, Intel still has to do if they want to get anywhere near the top, anytime soon.

That's it for today, thank you so much for reading, If you find best cpu for gaming and streaming checkout this link  and if you help this content share your social media and friends or family make sure you're subscribed to my and you click the bell to never miss a breaking post. Till next time, bye.


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