Mining killed my GPU My Personal Method and Profitablity

Mining killed my GPU : One of the questions I get the most on this website is mining dangerous is this going to cause long term or even short term harm or killed to my GPU, my CPU and my PC as a whole. 

How to use your gaming PC to mine while you're not utilizing it for gaming streaming, video editing, etc. 

And those videos are doing phenomenally by the way guys, so I'm really glad that they're resonating with you guys and they're actually beneficial and they're continuing to reach new perspective miners that need this information to help them get set up as well. 

Today let's talk about if mining killed my gpu and when damage is going to occur to your brand new shiny gaming PC if you decide to mine with it .

So to answer your guys question right up front, much like overclocking your PC, or throwing a bunch of mods on your gpu card. If you do it incorrectly. Yes, it isn't a cause damage. However, if you are tuned correctly, this applies to the card analogy as well. 

You're gonna be just finding the long term now, it might take a little bit of life off of the back end of your graphics card a few months or even a few years off of the end of the lifecycle of the graphics card. 

However, by then you probably would have traded it in, sold it and upgraded your PC anyway because you might have gone from 10 years of life down to 8yrs or 7yrs 

Me personally I would rather get heavy, strong use out of my PC. You know the best gaming performance the best mining performance right up front by doing things like overclocking knowing that I'm probably not going to have the CPU or GPU when those errors occur anyway.

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Heat brings damage (Mining killed my GPU)

Also, if you properly under volts and overclock your card, so basically you're reducing the power output to about 65% Or you have good thermals, good ventilation, good intake and exhaust fans in your case. 

Maybe you put on some aftermarket thermal pads and paste on your best graphics card. Your CPU is water cooled, your GPU is water cooled, whatever hardware we're using is properly cooled, because that's the main thing. 

It's going to cause damage to your PC is going to be excess heat, especially excess heat over long term sessions for example mining killed my GPU

So that is why a lot of dedicated mining rigs IE Open chassis cases. They're not sealed up like a PC case. 

They're basically open chassis that have a bunch of graphics cards stacked in them and that way it's getting constant airflow from the ambient temperature of the room. 

And then also they a lot of heavy miners also put fans like box fans in a room to to cool them as well. 

However, you don't need that if you're just casually mining you have a gaming PC, as long as it has good cooling in the tower, so maybe two or three intake fans and an exhaust fan. You're going to be just fine.

Undervolt / Overclock GPU

I do have a separate post which is a full walkthrough tutorial of using MSI afterburner, and this is how you're going to undervolt and overclock your gpu card. 

When I say Undervolting underclocked you're reducing the power output, which is again going to do a couple things, reduce your heat, increase the long term legit longevity of your card and,

Also increase your profitability because you're utilizing less power from the wall socket. And in turn, you know that's your your main factor, there's your electrical costs, and unless you're solar, then that's not really an issue and then overclock. Depending on the algorithm that you're on. 

Most of them you're most likely going to turn down your core clock and increase your memory clock. 

For example, 

My personal settings because I focus on mining a Etherium through the Daggerhashmoto algorithm. 

  1. I'm negative 300 megahertz on the core clock of my 3080 GPU 
  2. 1200 megahertz on the V-RAM or the video memory 

My power outputs at 65% and then generally NetSuite between 90 and 95 Mega-hash pretty consistently, sometimes it dips into the high 80s. 

Sometimes it spikes into the hundreds but generally, when I check on my phone app or on my PC, I'm right there at about 95.

My Hashrate and Profitablity

Over the last couple of months, has consistently been about $9 to $10 a day in profit. 

If were to be mining 24 hours a day, but I don't I might about 14 to 16 hours a day because I utilize my PC for gaming streaming 4k video editing. 

But also when I'm sleeping when I'm at my day job when I'm not using my PC I'm playing the PS 5 or Xbox series in that room. Then she's mining in here. 

Silicon Lottery

Mining killed my gpu: The next thing you guys need to consider is what's called the silicon lottery

So not all silicon chips are created equal. You and your buddy might both have a 3080 or a nice 7 CPU and they might not be equal to each other one might have a longer lifespan 

And one of them might outperform the other you might be able to overclock your CPU to 5.1 gigs and your buddy gets up there to 4.9 and it starts you know stuttering on him he starts getting hitches and he's benchmarks and you can't reach that speed. 

It all comes down to PC Parts are not very consistent. It's called the silicon lottery. And if you win it, you might have a card that you can mining the Teddy's off of for 10 years and it's still plugging away absolutely fine. 

With a 2060 Super GPU, no issues whatsoever that has since been sold. 

The current owner absolutely loves it games within streams with it mines with it has had no problems whatsoever. And also when I did sell it I gave full disclosure to the buyer who by the way is a friend of mine. I had mine with it had games with it. 

But that's something to take into consideration is that you might have a above average or below average or dead in the center average GPU or CPU.

Mine Your GPU not CPU

Mining killed my GPUThe next thing is you want to mind specifically with your GPU. 

I've been mentioning this a lot in my post and I think it's important that I do continue to mention it because somebody might stumble upon this post and not see any of my other ones.

But CPU mining is not lucrative you might make 20 or 30 bucks a month and that is with a flagship CPU like a thread Ripper from Ryzen AMD or like an Intel i-9  from Intel, which is the flagships for those two companies. 

And that's not very much at all considering you can make like $10 that day. 

Mining was a RTX3080 gpu and like 12 or 13 bucks a day with a RTX 3090 gpu.

CPU mining

Not to mention while you are CPU mining, it is very hard to use your PC, you can set it to a percentage but then you're earning even less.

But if your CPU mining that's your processor unit so even just some basic web browsing, it's going to if your computer is going to feel like an old family dull has been sitting in the basement collecting dust.

GPU mining

If I'm mining with my GPU, I can still use it I can watch YouTube videos. 

I can do pretty much everything shy of when I want to play a game because obviously I'm going to need the graphical focus for my my GPU. 

Same thing video editing. I don't try and video editing Adobe or anything while I'm mining because obviously the GPU is being used for mining.

But basic web browsing you can do that GPU mining, not so much CPU mining, and it's not even lucrative. 


Mining killed my GPU So in summary, basically to tie in all these points bring everything together. 

No, it is not going to cause harm to your PC. It might take a little bit of the long term lifespan but by then you probably won't even have these components. 

Now if you do plan on having these until they absolutely crap out. You're the person that buys a card and you've had the same gpu card for 20 years. It's completely paid off. You got an old you know 96 crawl on the driveway or whatnot. 

You probably have the same PC you've had forever. And you get one of these brand new shiny graphics card and you plan on either retiring with it or being buried in your coffin with it.

Then yes, mining might take a little bit of longevity off the asset but if you're somebody like myself and most consumers of electronics goods gamers, 

If you will, that have these GPUs, they're probably going to be using them 

  1. Maybe overclocking him for gaming to get higher frame rates
  2. Maybe overclocking him to get better hashrates while mining and lower temperatures
So if you do all these things correctly, which again I do strongly, strongly advise that you read the post below. 

Even assign him to specific games so that's cool like you launch a game that you know runs better with faster RAM or whatever. 

You can have settings for that really cool and you just want to make sure that you have your settings right you know, lower your voltage.

Make sure your temperatures are good monitor your temps and then also make sure the cooling and your fan they feed the cooling with your fans and your case is on point. 

If your water cooled, that's not a huge issue. I'd still obviously recommend having intake and exhaust fans.

But if you have one of those like EVGA water cooled GPUs, you should be good or if you manually install a third party water cooling kit on your GPU. You should be good. 

If you guys do have any questions, drop them in the comment section below. 

A lot of these questions I had to answer probably in like a week or so and I get asked the same question over and over and I don't mind answering them at all.

I just you can probably find them on my topbestgoodreview website. 

If this did answer your question it was enjoyable, entertaining and informative liking the post mining killed my GPU helps you get seen by more people which in turn helps me to grow my little website which I do greatly. Greatly appreciate. 

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