2021 Top 17 tips and trick for Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera mini & All Browsers

Hey everyone today I want to show you my favorite top 15 tips and tricks in Google Chrome. Now, if you're like most people, you probably spend most of your time on your PC in a web browser. 

17 tips and tricks google chrome browser

These are going to make you even more efficient and productive. Alright, let's jump on the PC and let's see what these are. 

Tab groups

Top tips and tricks of google chrome browser No.1➞ You can now create groups of tabs in Google Chrome. 

Now previously you could organize your tabs however you want and you could simply click on a tab, and you could drag it to a new position, but now you can create groups of tabs to create a group well first off you can select multiple tabs that you would like to include in a group. 

Here for example I'll press the Shift key and I could select these first three tabs. Now let's say I also want to include Twitter as part of this group I can also press the Ctrl key, and then click on this tab. I now have four tabs selected and I can right click on any one of these tabs to add it to a new group. This opens up a prompt over on the left hand side where I can name my group, I'll go ahead and give it a name. 

2021 Top 17  tips and trick for Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera mini & All Browsers

This seems fitting since I'm just grouping together, a whole bunch of random stuff down below I could also select a color to more easily identify this group in the future. I'm going to go with a nice common green down below I have a few different actions that I could take, I could add a new tab to this group. 

I could also decide to break up the band and we can ungroup everything I could also simply close the entire group or maybe I want to elevate it to its own window I could also move the group to a new window over here if I want to collapse the group I can click on the title and that'll collapse all of those tabs. 

Once again I can click on it again to expose all the tabs. Let's say I want to add some additional tabs in well I can simply click on one of my tabs, drag it into the group and now it becomes part of the group. If for whatever reason I don't want it in the group anymore once again I can remove it the same way I can simply drag it out. 

Manage audio/video playback &mini-player

Tips and tricks of google chrome No.2➞ I can now manage my audio and my video playback directly through Chrome. In the past, let's say I was playing a song and one of my tabs maybe on Spotify or YouTube, and you wanted to go back and maybe jumped in the next track, or maybe you wanted to pause or play again, you'd have to look across all of your different tabs first off to identify which one is playing the music. 

Here you see a speaker icon indicating that it's coming from YouTube here if I click on it, let's say I want to pause the video, I'd have to click down on the controls here and here I can play again. 

Now, it's a lot easier. In the top right hand corner I have a new icon to control my music and videos and more. When I click on this here I could pause and here I could play. I could jump to the next track, or I could jump to the last track. 

Also, let's say I want to jump to a different tab, but I want to keep watching the video. I can click on something called Picture in Picture this launches the video into its own window and here now I can jump from tab to tab, and I'll continue watching the video. 

Now let's say that you have multiple tabs that are generating sound maybe you're watching a show and then you're also listening to music. 

When you click on Manage audio here you'll see every single tab that's generating some type of sound, and you have your controls associated with that source. This makes it a lot easier to manage your music and also your video playback. 

Pin tabs

Top tips and tricks of google chrome browser No.3➞ You can now pin tabs that you use frequently in Google Chrome, this will give you easy access in the future. 

Now if you want to follow along with this one, feel free. Over here I have the Kevin Stratford YouTube page it's a very fine YouTube channel. 

This is a channel that I come back to quite often. You can now right click on the tab and there's the option to pin the tab. When you pin the tab, it reduces the size of it but it's now fixed on the left hand side. 

So I can click into other tabs and here I'll always see my pins tab over on the left hand side. Now if I go in and close Google Chrome. and here if I open Google Chrome again here I'll see that it automatically reloads my tab. So this gives me easy access again in the future. 

Mute tabs

Tips and tricks of google chrome No.4➞ You can now mute, different tabs, so you no longer hear any sound from that tab. 

Now, here I'm on a website and I'm reading a news article but they also have a video that just automatically starts playing and it really interrupts my reading experience. Here are my top tabs I can see that this tab is generating some sound. 

I can now right click on this tab and I can go down and I can mute the site. This will turn off all the audio from this page. And finally I can read my article in peace. 

Send tab to phone

Top tips and tricks of google chrome browser No.5➞ You can now very easily send a tab from your PC to your phone. Maybe you're about to head out and you didn't get to finish what you were trying to do, for example, maybe you wanted to order some cookies from the Kevin cookie company and you've got to go but you still want to complete the purchase. 

Don't worry, you can very easily do that, to be able to pull this off, you need to have chrome on both your PC and on your phone, go up to your tab, right click on it and there's an option to send to your phone, let's click on that here now on my phone in Google Chrome. 

If I click on a new tab I'll see a message at the top telling me that a new tab was received when I click on open here is the Kevin and cookie company and yes I can now complete my order. 

Open specific tabs on startup

Tips and tricks of google chrome No.6➞  You can have chrome open a specific set of tabs every time you open chrome here for instance I have all these tabs open and when I open chrome I like to have these tabs open. Now I can manually open them, or I can have chrome do the heavy lifting for me. 

Let's go over to the top right hand corner and click on the ellipsis and within this menu let's click on settings within settings over on the left hand side let's click on the option that says on startup. 

Here we see a few different options for how chrome should behave when we started up by default it's set to open the New Tab page here when I click on a new tab. This is the New Tab page you can search and you can get back to frequently used website's back over here I can also set it to continue where I left off. 

If I were to close my browser right now and reopen it, it would simply reopen every single tab that was open, but I wanted to open a specific set of tabs every single time. That's the third option here. When I click on this, I can go through and I could add pages that I wanted to have open, or I could simply select all of my pages and open them in tabs. 

And then I could tell chrome to use the current pages. When I click on this here I'll see all of my different tabs here now when I open Google Chrome again you'll see that all of my tabs reload automatically. 

Search within websites using omni-box

Top tips and tricks of google chrome browser No.7➞ You can use the omnibox in Google Chrome to not only search on Google or to type in URLs, but also to search, other websites to search other websites simply type in the website name here I typed in youtube.com. 

Over on the right hand side you'll see this helpful hint that says to press tabs to search YouTube video search. I'll click on tab and let's type in Kevin Stratford, here I can type it in hit enter and this drops me in YouTube on the search page where I can see the search results. 

Now this isn't just limited to YouTube, you could use it with other sites as well, like let's say Wikipedia or any other site that has search. 

Install web app

Tips and tricks of google chrome No.8➞ You can now install some of your favorite websites as web apps. Here's a website that I go to all the time called office.com and I want to install this so I can get back to it more easily. 

How do you install a website, well up here in the omnibox over on the far right hand side, there's a plus icon.

When I click on this, I can install office. This isn't just limited to Office many other websites support this as well let's click on Install once I install this now opens up a web app on my computer. 

You'll also notice here on my desktop it's added a desktop icon so I can simply click on that to very easily navigate back to this web app, much more quickly, along with getting to it on my desktop I could also add a Taskbar shortcut, and I could also find it in search on my computer, let's say that I no longer want to have this web app on my computer, I could simply go to the top bar, click on the ellipsis, and then here I can then uninstalled the web app. 

Task manager

Top tips and tricks of google chrome browser No.9➞ Chrome has its very own Task Manager where you can see how much CPU or memory all of your different tabs are taking. 

It's very similar to in Windows or on Mac where you have a task manager, that'll tell you how much memory or CPU your different apps are consuming, to be able to access this let's go up to the three dots or the ellipsis right up here in the top right hand corner, and within this menu let's go down to the option that says more tools here within this menu, there's the option for the task manager. 

You can also access it by pressing Shift and escape. This opens up the chrome Task Manager and here I can see all the different tasks that are currently active, I can see how much memory they're consuming how much CPU how much of my network. And I also see a process ID. 

Now oftentimes if your computer or maybe your browser feels like it's starting to slow down. Don't blame it on Chrome instead it's typically the fault of one of your tabs that you have open here let's say maybe YouTube was acting up and it's consuming a lot of memory, I can simply select that task and then I could go down to the bottom right hand corner, and I can end that process. Oh snap that just stopped it. 

Here you'll see now that that's cleaned up and opened up that memory and also the CPU and network that that tab might have been consuming. 


Tips and tricks of google chrome No.10➞ You can use Google Chrome to cast to another Chromecast device, how do we do this well let's say that I want to broadcast out this website to my TV which supports Chromecast here I simply go up to the top right hand corner and once again let's click on the ellipsis. When I click on this, I see an option that says cast. 

When I click on this, it'll look for devices that I can cast to and once it finds them, then I can go ahead and cast this page. 

Chrome URLs

Top tips and tricks of google chrome browser No.11➞ You can use Chrome URLs to very quickly navigate throughout the chrome experience. Well, how do we even know what these URLs are well there's only one URL you have to remember. Simply type in Chrome colon forward slash forward slash and then type in Chrome dash URLs. 

When you hit Enter This will show you a list of all of the different chrome URLs and yes there are quite a few of them that you have access to. 

I'll quickly show you some of my favorite ones and some of the more useful ones here, if you type in Chrome and then history. 

This will show you all of your search history without having to go through all of the different settings menus, here you could also very quickly get to your settings by typing in settings. and here if you type in downloads. 

This will show you all of your recent downloads chrome URLs make it pretty quick to get through the experience. 

Move multiple tabs 

Tips and tricks of google chrome No.12➞ I can very easily move tabs around within my browser using the Ctrl and Shift keys, let's say for example that I want to move these three tabs somewhere else. 

I have the first tab selected and I'll press the Shift key to highlight the first three, I can now grab this set of tabs and I can move it to the end. 

Let's say that maybe I just want to move my YouTube page and the Kevin cookie company to the front, all use the Ctrl key when I click and that'll select these two tabs. 

I can now select these tabs and I can drag them to the front. So Ctrl and Shift make it very easy to rearrange your tabs. 

Update Autofil

Top tips and tricks of google chrome browser No.13➞ Autofill is probably one of the most helpful items that browsers have added when you have to fill in your address your email address your phone number autofill does that for you automatically. 

But sometimes maybe a move or you update your email address and you're stuck with all these old autofills, how do we update autofill well up in the top right hand corner once again let's click on the ellipsis, and here let's go down to settings within settings over on the left hand side there's an option for autofill let's click on that. 

There are three different types of autofill you have passwords payment methods and also addresses. I want to update my address so let's click on this option within addresses I can have it automatically autofill or I could turn it off altogether. I can add additional addresses or I can go in and I can modify existing autofill values. Now I live at 321 Main Street not 123. Let me click over here and then click into Edit. 

Block notifications

Tips and tricks of google chrome No.14➞ Many websites these days prompt you if you want to show notifications notifications appear when you have your browser open and also when you don't have your browser open. 

If you feel like maybe you're overwhelmed by notifications, I'll show you how you can rein them in for now I'm going to allow the notification to get control over your notifications let's go over to the top right hand corner and click on the ellipsis here let's go down to settings within settings over on the left hand side let's click on privacy and security and then click on site settings within Site Settings I see all of my recent activity including allowing notifications for this website. 

If I scroll down just a little bit under permissions. Here I can manage all of my notifications let's click on this here within notifications I can turn on or off the ability for sites to even ask me if I want to turn on notifications at all. 

There's also a new option called use quieter messaging, and this is a little less disruptive when you're doing your work down below I can review all the sites that I've blocked notifications from. And down below I can see all the sites that I've allowed. 

Now here down below I really don't want to get many notifications so instead I'm going to click on the ellipsis and I could simply go to blog, and I won't see any more notifications from this site. 

Keyboard shortcuts 

Top tips and tricks of google chrome browser No.15➞ Chrome includes a whole bunch of different keyboard shortcuts that makes it even easier to get around Chrome. I've included a link in the description that gives a summary of all of the different shortcut keys. I want to show you some of my favorites. 

Here I have a whole bunch of tabs open across the top, I can use the Ctrl key together with the number key to jump to different tabs here I see that the Kevin cookie company is my third tab, I can press Control three and that'll jump to the third tab, Ctrl two and I jumped to the second tab. 

Also, let's say I simply want to move across my different tabs, I can use the Ctrl key together with the tab key to move right along all these different tabs. If I want to go back, I simply add the shift key so I can press Ctrl Shift and tab, and then I can move to the left, along my tabs across the top. If I want to open a new tab, I can press Ctrl T and that opens a new tab. 

I could also press Ctrl Shift and that opens up incognito mode. Those are some of my favorite shortcut keys and once again within that URL in the description you can review all of them.

Check for compromised passwords 

Tips and tricks of google chrome No.16➞  If you use Google Chrome as your password manager you can also have chrome notify you when any of your passwords have been compromised. 

Now it feels like every other week in the news, you hear about some company having a data breach. Luckily chrome will stay on top of that for you. 

Let's go to the top right hand corner once again let's click on the ellipses, and then let's go down to settings within settings over on the left hand side there's an option called safety check let's click on that. 

Here we can run a safety check by clicking on check now let's click on that, This runs a safety check and here I see that I have 13 compromised passwords.

So let's say that maybe a merchant or retailer where I have a password with them. If it's been compromised chrome will tell me about that and I can go in and then update my password. It'll also tell me if I had a compromised password that I use elsewhere. It'll also advise me to change it at that other location. 

Dark mode

Top tips and tricks of google chrome browser No.17➞ Unfortunately I know it's very sad. This is the last tip of today, Google Chrome now supports dark mode, especially as it's getting late your eyes might be hurting from this bright light emanating from your screen to turn on dark mode we don't set that within Chrome instead we use the operating system that we're on to turn on dark mode here, I'm on windows so I could simply go down to search and let me type in dark mode when I type in dark mode. 

This opens up settings with colors here you'll see that my default windows mode is set to dark and down below my default app mode is set to light. I want to set this to dark when I set it to dark you'll notice now that Google Chrome automatically changes to dark theme. 

It basically inherits the setting from Windows and then applies it to the browser. This is a lot easier on the eyes now, all right well those are all of my tips and tricks, if you learn some new ones please give this video a thumbs up to see more post like this in the future hit that subscribe button if you want to see me cover any other topics on this channel, leave a comment down below. 

Alright, well that's all I had for you today. I hope you enjoyed and as always, I hope to see you next time. Bye.


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