RTX 2000 vs 3000 Comparison- RTX 3000 price Laptop

RTX 2000 vs 3000 Comparison - So you're browsing through Best Buy and you see a nice RTX 2000 series laptop for $300 off and you go, Holy crap is that a good deal, because you're also looking at the RTX 3000 series Laptops over here, they cost maybe $500 more, but maybe it's worth it.

What's up, welcome back again to your blog and I'm here to help you figure out which laptop, you should buy, that's going to provide the best bank for the buck. 

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And the last as long as possible and just try to make you as happy as possible because that's really where I benefit and get the most joy and reviewing products when someone emails me or whatever and they like. 

RTX 2000 vs 3000 Gaming Laptop 

So in this post, I'm gonna talk about the crucial differences between an RTX 2000 vs 3000 Comparison.

I'm going to talk about the key things to consider outside of just the GPU and lastly, I'm also going to talk about how to calculate your performance per dollar for an RTX 2000 series laptop that's on sale versus, a brand new RTX 3000 series laptop that has increased performance but also costs more. 

Now I also want to briefly mention that I've created a comprehensive spreadsheet comparing all the RTX 3000 series laptops.

Now I've rated all of these laptops on price to performance, CPU performance GPU performance, and premium features, and I've also sorted the list by price. 

So if you're trying to find a laptop between $1500 or $2,000.




Now when comparing RTX 2000 series and 3000 series laptops or RTX 3000 price.


The first go-to benchmark I look at is the time spy GPU score now time spy has three scores, there's the combined score, the GPU score, and the CPU score.

The GPU score is the only score here that represents GPU-bound game performance. 

Timespy Is Not Perfect


Now the one thing to keep in mind with time spy scores is that it does not represent the RTx and dlss increased performance that the RTX 3000 series provides over the RTX 2000 series. 

RTX 2000 vs 3000 Comparison- RTX 3000 price

So even if an RTX 2000 series GPU provides the same performance as an RTX 3000 series GPU.

Because of the improved RTX 10 cores in the RTX 3000 series, you're going to see improved overall ray tracing and dlss performance in titles like cyberpunk 2077.

Now a very good example of this is my Strix G 17 that 10,800 and time spy, which is only a little bit higher than my Alienware area 51 M, but in cyberpunk 2077 increase 22% performance. 

So this goes to show you that in RTX and dlss titles, you may get more optimized performance out of the 3000 series GPUs, Though I did not see this in every title you can see that in watchdogs Legion We had similar performance, as well as Red Dead Redemption two though that doesn't use RTX or dlss.

Now, since most gaming laptops are still only 1080 p resolution, it's important to keep in mind that at 1080 p RTX 2000 vs 3000 Comparison.

CPU bound vs GPU bound (Performance)


You are more likely to be CPU bound than the GPU bound in a lot of the games you play

So in games like; 

  • Far Cry five 
  • Shadow Of The Tomb Raider 
  • CS Go and rainbow succeed, 


The performance you see in these games will be primarily based on how good of a CPU, you end up getting.

This is one of the main reasons why getting one of the new RTX 3000 series, laptops, with a Ryzen 5000 series CPU is attractive is you're getting an increased CPU performance for those CPU-bound games.

And then you're also going to have the increased performance from the RTX 3000 series for the GPU bound games.

RTX 2070 vs RTX 3070 (Comparison)


Perhaps the best comparison between two laptops that are in roughly the same chassis is the Strix G 17 with an RTX 2070 versus the Strix G 17 with an RTX 3070.

17 FPS gain in Red Dead Redemption 2. 

Now, this translates roughly to a 28% gain in performance with the new RTX 3000 series.


Should You Buy RTX 2000 in 2023?


If you can get an RTX 2000 series at a great price, then it can still be worth considering an RTX 2000 series, 

And if you already have an RTX 2000 series that's a great machine and you're happy with the frame rates that you're getting.

There's not a desperate need or anything like that, to push yourself to buy an RTX 3000 series laptop .

There are certainly some performance gains to be had if you get an RTX 3000 series machine.

It's just not going to be massive for some people, but will be massive for others it's just going to be so dependent on what the TDP of each machine is, as well as does include a much switch. 

What game are you playing is it a GPU bound game is it a CPU bound game does the new laptop have a Ryzen 5000 series in it, or potentially coming up here with an Intel 11th gen processor, what's the TDP of the processor.

Key Features to Consider


RTX 2000 vs 3000 Comparison : There are so many different factors going on here. 


Now, something to keep in mind with RTX 2000 series first 3000 series laptops.

The 3000 series laptops, may be improved in some important ways; 

  • Including fan design perhaps additional heat pipes,
  • Better keyboards, 
  • Brighter backlights new and improved Q HD displays, 
  • If you want to take advantage of any of these new features, you're going to have to get the new model version and not the old one.

A great example of this is the Zephyrus G 15 having a lot of these improvements that the Zephyrus M 15 from last year just didn't have, which makes the Zephyrus G 15 vastly superior compared to last year's model. 

What CPU To Buy?


RTX 2000 vs 3000 Comparison -Now another thing to keep in mind with RTX 3000 series GPUs is that they can be paired with an Intel 10th Gen CPU or a new Ryzen 5000 Series CPU which is very power efficient and allows the GPU to boost into a higher TDP more often in more titles. 

So, if possible, I do recommend the Ryzen 5000 series now that said is still perfectly fine buying an Intel 10th Gen CPU series. If you're getting it at the right price. 

An example of a great Intel CPU bang for the buck laptop is the Aorus 15 G which I have right here.

So this guy right here is an impressive piece of kit for only $2,000 I've only done my initial testing on it.

But it's a very impressive laptop with a very bright backlight, it's a gorgeous machine that has a lot of great features including an MK switch.


11th Gen Intel CPUs for Laptops


Now, Intel will be releasing 11 gen laptop CPUs soon, and I've already started seeing some of the RTX 3000 series laptops.

Go on sale like the Alienware M15 and M17 were on sale the last couple of days, they're no longer on sale now I am monitoring the prices on all of the laptops on the market and I'll be tracking which laptops and go on sale.

I've added a dedicated section of the spreadsheet to just these laptops that are on sale now these sales do indicate to me that these laptops were either overpriced or Intel will be releasing their 11th Gen processors pretty soon and these manufacturers are trying to empty their stock 

  1. Also Reads : RTX 3070 vs 3080 - Aorus 15 G vs Aorus 15 P Laptop
  2. Also Reads  10 Tips What makes a Slow Computer Faster in 


RTX 2000 Can Offer Some Premium Features


Something else to keep in mind when it comes to RTX 2000 versus 3000 series is 

what premium features does an RTX 2000 series laptop have versus a 3000 series because for example if you were to go with an RTX 2000 series.

You get a lot of premium features like a much better display and Windows Hellom, RTX 2000 vs 3000 Comparison


  • Maybe a better keyboard, 
  • Maybe better backlights or RGBs on the laptop for the same price, 
  • Then maybe sacrificing a little bit of performance is still worth it. 

How to Calculate Performance Per Dollar?


So let's talk about how to calculate performance per dollar. 

Now, two of the best metrics for calculating performance per dollar in a simple and easy understanding is using the time spy GPU score.

Along with a cinebench R 20, or R 23 score in every laptop review that I make on my blog, compare the CPU and GPU performance using these numbers.

I compare it on a per pound basis, as well as a per-dollar basis.

And the way I calculate this is pretty simple.

 For Example:


  1. Timespy GPU Score/Price = Point per S
  2. Cinebench R20 Score/Price = Point per S


I'll just do times five GPU points and divide it by the cost of the laptop, taking the Strix G 17 For example, we've got times by GPU score of 10,809 and we divide that by 1799, and we get 6.01 points per dollar. 

  1. Timespy GPU 10509/$1799 = 6.01 Point per S
  2. Cinebench R20 5201/$1799 =2.89 Point per S


This is the highest points per dollar that I have seen so far this year, and when we take the Cinebench our 20 scores, we get 5201 and divide that by 1799 we get 2.892 points per dollar, and we can see that this is a good CPU performance per dollar. 

Now you can calculate these numbers for yourself on any laptop that you can find reliable benchmarks for so you can get a time by GPU score or Cinebench are 20 scores and then divide that by the laptop's price.

You'll be able to get your overall points per dollar for your GPU and your CPU and then you can compare those numbers that you've calculated versus the laptops that I've tested here. 

Note: Now keep in mind, in all of my testings I do maximum fans and the highest performance profiles possible just to see what a laptop is fully capable of. 


Conclusion - Buy RTX 2000 laptop in 2021


So in conclusion should you buy an RTX 2000 series laptop or a 3000 series laptop / RTX 2000 vs 3000 Comparison

For me, it all comes down to performance per dollar is the RTX 2000 series laptop on sale enough to get a great bang for the buck where it's competing with the new RTX 3000 series. If it is, go for the RTX 2000 series. 

That said, many of the new RTX 3000 series laptops are offering the best performance per dollar that I have ever seen in gaming laptops. 

It is a massive bump up in performance per dollar compared to the RTX 2000 series, especially at launch. 

But you do have to keep in mind that not all of the RTX 3000 series is priced as competitively so know that there are good deals out there on RTX 3000 series laptops and there are bad deals. 

And if you want some help in figuring out which ones are good and bad. 

So I hope you found this RTX 2000 vs 3000 Comparison post helpful if you want to see more of my reviews in the future, be sure to hit that subscribe button and tap that notification bell.

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